Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thing 20

Well, I did it. I can hardly believe I now have a Facebook profile. I was super creeped out when I initially registered as I saw profiles of people I graduated with. I was also kinda worried that I would have no friends..... But thanks to Runner Girl (who put the word out), I now have like 16. It is growing on me a little and I can see how people can get addicted to it. I just think it will be a passing phase for me. I added a few applications (my family and pandora - super cool), and joined the Chuck Norris Jokes group for fun. Didn't he campaign for Mike Huckabee? Was that a joke????

I don't think I'm going to allow Grace to have a profile on facebook. I don't think I could trust the alley cats she might acquire as friends.


~jd said...

remember, it's only as scary as you make it....don't fear the facebook... just read about the good people ;)

LibraryLady said...

Hobey has a catbook page, but since I'm the parent, I have parental control -- hence he cannot have unwanted girlfriends from alleys or even the backyard. He can have photos, be petted, enjoy a modest profile, and have friends whom I approve. I am, after all, his 'parent'!