Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing 2

Well, I just finished watching the video by Stephen Abram and I can't help but get excited for this program. He has a way of firing me up for some reason ( guess it really doesn't take much). I had the opportunity to see him speak on Web 2.0 at the University of Minnesota a year or so ago. After hearing him, I decided to try some of these new web 2.0 technologies. I created my first blog, set up a MySpace Account, and eventually purchased a webcam and posted on YouTube.

I totally agree with him when he talks about us being experienced based learners. Cause that is the only way (in my opinion) to learn this stuff. And Understand this stuff. He talks about time constraints... Well, like he said... a few minutes is all it would take to learn some of these concepts. This is part of our profession. We Promote lifelong learning! It is our duty as librarians and professionals to find the time to learn new technologies. Haven't librarians always done this? In my opinion, this program should have been mandatory for all librarians in the system I work for. Period. What a great opportunity... Sorry. I don't mean to be harsh. I guess I feel strongly about our profession continuing education and have little sympathy for those who say they have no time to learn.

Oh by the way, my cat Grace agrees with everything I just blogged.


Carolnb said...

I like your cartoon.

~jd said...

amen. to all of it. nicely said. esp coming from the education background, and the media specialist exp prior to RCL FT for me, i couldn't agree more. interesting to see how this all develops over the coming months/years. ps, which came first, you or Carly with Thing 1 or Thing 2? :)

Library Guy said...

Carly's Things came first. But I did think about them. I just couldn't resist. I gave Carly props on her blog.