I set up a
Flickr account and I must say that I am not too impressed. Perhaps it is because I am
used to Google's Picasa. I find it easier to organize photos into web albums using Picasa . I kept getting errors uploading to Flickr. Also, I discovered that free account holders are limited to only three sets (or albums). I think there is no limit in Picasa (although I may be wrong). I really don't share many photos online but I can see how useful these resources could be. I usually just attach photos to emails if i want to share them with anyone. Perhaps in the future If i want to share many photos, i could just send them all a link to my Flickr page!
My library photo for Thing 4 is a shot of me helping a student in one of my Internet classes. If anyone is interested in the classes, I have a
link to the class schedule (I made the page using Google's Page Creator) under 'Special Links' on my blog.
Grace prefers to sleep in her basket by the vent instead of teaching Internet classes or creating web pages.
i so wish grace's picture was a touch n feel with a sound clip. i can practically hear a purr and she looks SO soft...and content. i want that kind of life after this one :)
I haven't checked out your blog in a while and you've done so much with it! Nice job. Very professional, Mr. Lyons.
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